Only Aloe Lips for Me Please

I know there are probably over a hundred brands of lip balms in the market. But this is the best that I have found yet. If your lips could speak, they’d ask for Aloe Lips – the Mighty Midget!

A super smooth formula of stabilized aloe vera, jojoba, protectants and special moisturizers with a pleasant strawberry flavour will soothe, smooth, and moisturize chapped and dry lips. It provides protection even in the worst weather conditions. Whether you are skiing, sunbathing, walking, or even working – keep Aloe Lips handy.

It can be helpful for stings, insect bites, or minor cuts and burns by providing some immediate relief. I especially love that it doesn’t take much space in my purse. Super convenient! Especially now that I have a tot in tow, which I often use this tube on. The insect bite would literally go away in a jiff and minor wounds would stop stinging instantly. You might not want to use the same tube though. People from FLP would even vouch that you can even try Aloe Lips for hemorrhoids! That does not sound pretty, but it sure tells you one thing for sure. That this little baby is a tube for all.

More than ten years, it has been this long I have this love affair with Aloe Lips. 😀


  1. autismfamily says:

    Sounds like a useful product. I am allergic to lanolin and cannot use lots of products. I have flea bites from cats outside and I tried orajel on them and it worked great.

    Nice job on this review, will haveto look for this balm. I need to get one for kid at school and this could be it too.

  2. […] say that I will go splurge my hard earned money on just to experiment with. With my favorite Aloe Lips not easily available anywhere (I have to go to FLP myself or order online), I knew I was ready to […]

  3. […] I have this love affair with Forever Living’s Aloe Lips, I still find myself test driving Lip Balms from Healthy Options. Specifically,  Alba Botanica […]

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