Originally it was this site that I was contemplating on getting its own domain. But it was Google’s pleasant surprise a couple of weeks back when this youngest blog of mine was given a decent ranking. Since I wouldn’t want to throw that away, I resorted to getting my Handy Tips and Hints its domain instead. The domain for this site will be immediately purchased once the ranking is taken back. It’s just the way it goes, it only takes a matter of time, as they say.
Now that I am left with my other site to transfer from Blogger to WordPress, I am seriously looking into webhosting rating and picking out the best one to host my brand new domain. Instead of continue having it hosted for free, I would rather that it be transferred to WordPress because of the hubby’s recent headache with Blogger.
I love that WebHostingRating.com makes it available for webmasters to compare hosting services from the reviews given by actual clients. This is what I am looking for. I wouldn’t want to end up regretting taking in the service of anyone without really knowing before hand what the odds are. If you are serious with your internet marketing business and you are looking for a web host then might as well settle for the most reputable one.