My Swarovski Masterpieces

Allow me to post a few of my masterpieces. I used to create sets of Swarovski bracelets, earrings, watches and everything Swarovski. That was wayback five or so years ago. It was one of the most fun things that I have done ever. Creating these beauties and earning from them atleast a hundred percent ROI got out the business streak in me. If there was anything, the most grueling thing about it was going to Divisoria or Quaipo to buy the materials.

Too bad I did not yet have my trusty A620 then, that’s why all I could take pictures of now are those that I keep for myself.

rose quartz bracelet

semi precious stones in 10k links


  1. momto4kidsny says:

    Those are so pretty! Great job!

  2. gina says:

    Hi Jenny!! Congrats!!! You are a certified kikay. I still have the rose quartz accessory you gave me a few years ago and I will use it later at the party I am going to attend with Cham and Mom. Miss you bestfriend!! More power!!

  3. gina says:

    Hi Jenny!! Congrats!!! You are a certified kikay. I still have the rose quartz accessory you gave me a few years ago and I will use it later at the party I am going to attend with Cham and Mom. Miss you bestfriend!! More power!!

  4. savey spender says:

    Those are very pretty. I love the top one the most.

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