How does one survive a bad haircut? You only go two ways here. Either you whine and sulk until your hair grows back or you do away with the negativities and accessorize, improve by having it restyled, colored or even cut again. Whoever thought that boy cut isn’t cool every now and then?
Yes, you can be one of those ladies who are forever loyal to a particular hairstylist. But truth to tell, as fine as your hairstylist is, there will always be bad days in his hairstyling career and you will never know if it will be you sitting on his salon chair in one of those days. No one is perfect, that’s for sure. Of course your hairstylist can be forgiven but do you have to get stuck to feeling bad with such a bad haircut. The answer is a resounding NO!
This is where you take out the big guns and accessorize. Bring in those bands, clips, scarves, even hats. Be creative as you experiment. You can always get a good thing out of a bad haircut. If you think you are not big when it comes to accessories, you can choose to change hair colors instead. Feeling bad shouldn’t last very long. That’s just hair and it is one sweet consolation to know that your hair will grow back before you know it. If all else fails, then you can go right back to whining and sulking NOT! For one, you can only whine so much until you get right back to your old self.
Enjoy your hair while you still have it! And come to think of it, wouldn’t it be neat to have your grandkids look through your pictures and see how experimental you were through your younger days. The key is not to let anything get in the way of you being beautiful. Let the real beauty radiate from the inside out. Don’t let a bad haircut define you. You define you. 😉