Basic After Care for Rebonded Hair

A couple of months ago I decided to finally get my hair rebonded again after ten years. It took me quite a while to announce this because my experience with what is supposedly well known salon, with expertise on rebonding, isn’t exactly the most pleasant.

Ten years is a long time and believe me when I say I do not know how to take care of my newly rebonded hair. I am not even sure anymore how I took care of my locks the first time I had my hair rebonded. So I did what other sassy ladies would have done… research via the ever reliable Mr. Google.

Your guess is as good as mine. Almost all search results are common sense. Use shampoo that is made for straight hair. Regular conditioning and use hair serum. The basic things we have been doing all along.

I am currently loving my dear friend’s ( Christmas present – a set of L’Oreal natural hair care set. Thank you, Frances! 🙂 It was just so timely. My cheap brands are just not doing the job. I am going to post a review of that in the coming days.


  1. irish says:

    and jen, you have to avoid bathing in the sea or pool for the first month or two. also avoid using headbands that will deform the structure of your hair. for the first 3 days, you only use conditioner, without shampoo. and you are not allowed to wet your hair on the first 3 days as well.

  2. janice says:

    what can i do if my hair get frizzy ?
    that my problem right now after a few weeks of my rebond my hair become frizzy ..

  3. geraldine says:

    now my hair is rebonded, how can i take care of it, without using chemicals?

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