Kikay Corner’s web hosting

Kikay Corner was initially under a free platform when it was first launch. A few months down the road and I was claiming its domain after having peeked if the dot com was still available. Apparently, somebody from somewhere saw that I was contemplating on claiming a dot com for this blog, thus it was claimed ahead before I got down to it. So that’s basically the story why this has got a dot net instead of a dot com.

Like any domain, it needed its own web hosting subscription.  I chose a paid hosting. Reading through reviews of different hosting companies like Hostmonster for instance, played a great deal in having me decide on which host to choose. Reading feedbacks from the subscribers themselves gave me the confidence to avail of the right package.

Now, Kikay Corner is probably more a couple of years old and there was just one time that I actually had an issue with its current host. An essential thing to look into if you are looking into getting a paid hosting for your domain is the reliability of its technical support. It is utterly frustrating how some web hosting companies just leave you hanging as soon as the sale is done. After sale is the most important. So feedback of this feature should always be considered.

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