After doing more than a couple of shopping episodes in Makati in the last couple of months, I am finally resolved to the fact that there is no way I can go right back to my size S, let alone XS. My tiny 5 feet frame has always switched from xs to s and back again for as long as I can remember until the first quarter of 2009. This is evidenced by the fact that I cannot anymore squeeze into my normal clothes comfortably anymore.
What is sweet about this is I can actually afford to totally change wardrobes now because I have found an online store that sells affordable but great quality fashionable clothes. I would have tried one of those weight loss drinks and supplements, but I happen to be at peace by my change of frame. It’s just one of the things in life that we have to live with. But I’m not going to slack and do nothing. The plan is to get right back to Yoga even via my trusty Wii Fit very soon. 🙂