For many WAHMS (work at home moms) like myself, graveyard shift workers (such as call center agents, nurses and the like), and online assistants, one of the many things we have to contend with most is lack of sleep. Agree? The lack of sleep can get to you if you don’t do something about it, I tell you. It can really compromise your immune system, make you look haggard and older than you really are, and worst of all, it can affect your mental and emotional well-being.
As such, it is important to find ways to help you get a good night’s (or day for that matter) rest. For some, they may need sleeping aids. But for others, a glass of warm milk or tea, some aromatherapy candles or scented oils, and a soothing massage can help. However, the effects of lack of sleep may not easily disappear after one night, right? So if you need to go out for whatever reason, try to put on a light coat of natural looking make up and a light shimmering gloss on your lips. Not only will this cover up for your tired look, this will actually boost your morale and help you feel a little bit perkier than you really are . Oh, and the best accessory of all, a bright smile…do smile no matter how tired you are, okay?