a! Life Launch at the Tian-Di Heaven & Earth Urban Destination Spa

The launch of a! Life food supplements was held last Thursday, June 9 at the Tian-Di Heaven & Earth Urban Destination Spa in San Juan. The event was packed with celebrities endorsing the brand, namely: Congressman/Celebrity Lucy Torres, TV Personality/Pilates Enthusiast Shawn Yao, Athlete/Business Executive Lorraine Lapus, TV Personality/Anti-Cancer Advocate Lexi Schulze and Model/Image Consultant Patty Betita. We were basically summoned to not settle for just the good life – but live an a! Life!

And when it comes to utmost quality of life, I’m all for it – so I was all ears when a! Life endorsers came to talk about their advocacy. Bianca Valerio (who showed up in golden blonde tresses) was her bubbly, fun self that she usually is, as she hosted the launch.

Bianca Valerio hosted the launch

Lexi Shulze and Lucy Torres

Patty Betita, Lorraine Lapus and Shawn Yao

We all know that women nowadays are no longer expected to merely be domestic goddess of the home. There is no generation in the existence of humanity where women are more empowered than they are now. The world knows that we are capable of stepping above and excelling at whatever it is that we do. And this is what basically a! Life is all about – a call for us women to take care of ourselves by choosing to be healthy!

Block Carbohydrates, Get Slim!
Be in Control with a! life Control!

It contains Phase 2 white kidney bean extract that helps block carbohydrate absorption to help control blood sugar levels and weight.

Stronger Bones, Better Posture!
Be Strong with a!life Posture!

It contains not only Calcium but also Ostivone, the only non-hormonal nutrient that helps increase bone density and helps inhibit the loss of healthy bone cells.

Natural Power, Extra Energy!
Be Empowered with a! life Energy!

It contains the natural power of Malunggay which is loaded with nutrients, vitamins and amino acids to give you the extra energy for optimum physical performance

Protect Health, Be Radiant!
Be Radiant with a! life Protect!

It contains Pycnogenol that helps defend the body from free radicals, ensuring health that radiates through fairer skin.

Restore Moisture, Look Young!
Look Young with a! life Restore!

It contains Injuv โ€“ a Hyaluronic Acid that restores moisture from within, so you help erase the signs of skin aging like wrinkles and fine lines.

Just before the launch started, we were asked during registration what activity we are gonna avail of later after the official launch. My friend Iris of PinayAds.com and I chose Glow by Exfoilation. The other activities were: Face Time, Shake it Up, Project Makeover and Yogilates.

Martha, The Beauty Junkee

We were led to a cozy room where a beauty blogger by the name of Martha, who was to marshal us into concocting our very own scrub out of coffee, brown sugar, olive oil and honey. And we got to take home our pot too. Sweet! ๐Ÿ™‚

moi with media practitioners ready to follow instructions


brown sugar


finished product: coffee and brown sugar scrub

Making our own scrub was so easy! All we had to do was mix all ingredients together and voila! – our all natural, homemade scrub! That’s something we all can make ourselves with the very ingredients that are regularly just sitting on our cupboards. I actually made use of it the other day and I think I have more to last me a month.


Mrs. Martinez and moi

I wasn’t able to take photos of the other blogger friends I was thrilled to see during the event.ย  We got too busy catching up.

Here’s an accidental photo capture Rowena of Animetric’s World took using the fierce Android phone she was lugging around with.ย  Got me to also download the App, which also happens to be available on iPhone. She was actually taking a picture of me and Iris, when the app captured me and that of the image of the tarp behind me – made me instant BFFs with Lorraine.

with Iris of PinayAds.com

The fun did not stop at doing our own scrub! We were actually ushered to the lounge of the spa place for the fimale and got a Samba dance lesson. I forgot to take pictures as I was having so much fun watching my friends do the samba. I have been out of the loop with media events lately and I’m sure glad I attended the a! Life Launch at the Tian-Di Heaven & Earth Urban Destination Spa. I actually also started taking the a! life food supplements since. ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. Retro Camera is sooo addictive! ๐Ÿ˜€

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