Dermatix Ultra Scar Eraser Review

For some reason, the klutz in me spring up from time to time, making this Dermatix Ultra scar remover very handy. I have read that these moments are not uncommon to us, ladies, when hormones go berserk during our time of the month. I usually get minor bruises or trip here and there. Nothing major as my shin skin scraping off until one night last June. It was crazy painful! But I can only be thankful that I was wearing pjs. Else, I could have scraped myself to the bone! Ouch!

1 week old wound

Here’s much I can tell, for a moment there, I really felt like I saw stars and birds circling my head on impact. It happened during the time when the rain was pouring hard. So screaming for help wouldn’t have done me any good. It was also too owie to let out a scream! I struggled to get up and helped myself as I limped my way back to the house. It was crazy for me to go out and walk in the dark anyway. What was I thinking! 🙁

It was then that I remembered this lady over at a drugstore approaching me about Dermatix Ultra some months back. I did not pay much attention to it much since I don’t have major boo boos that needed some erasing. A couple of weeks after the incident I went to the drugstore to check this out.

The invisible, odorless and non-greasy gel is easy to apply. It dries quickly for a clean, silky feel. It also contains Vitamin C ester. I have heard quite a bit about Vitamin C ester. But I don’t think it is very much available here in the Philippines.  Anyhoo, to be able to experience the full benefits of using Dermatix, it is encouraged that it is used twice a day. The first few days, I did that. But being someone who is not much of a fan of regimens, I tend to forget some days.

One month after

That said,  I think Dermatix Ultra did me pretty well. One month after, there are some portions within the stretch of the site that the scarring is not as pronounced anymore and definitely no longer as hideous!  🙂

As per package leaflet, improvement may be observed after 12 weeks of continued use.  For major scars, it may take 3 to 6 months or more. You gotta love these scientific breakthroughs. The real good ones can easily keep the way pricier laser scar removal procedures at bay. Nope, term life insurance doesn’t cover it. A tube of Dermatix Ultra Advanced Scar Treatment Formula 7g gel  costs less than P800 (approx $19).


  1. Hamill says:

    So how does the scar look now? Could you send me pictures please? I just started using Dermatix Ultra today and I want to know how extensive was the repair that it has done for you. Thanks!

  2. […] of last year, I tripped and hit my shin right inside our backyard. What are the odds! I tried this Dermatix gel for a whole month. It was working for a while, like it was lightening the scar a little. But it […]

  3. […] mentioned Contractubex again that I decided to buy a tube. I saw how well her scar is healing and my previous scar gel is proving to […]

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