Post Trial Result: Gloww Capsules

One of the two essentials I made sure I got packed in my luggage before we flew for Vietnam and Cambodia was Gloww Capsules. The other one was my trusty insect repellent spray. We were told that mosquitoes are really huge in Cambodia and we are not risking our son getting dengue again. The other one is my current skin regimen favorite, Gloww.

Now that I’m done with the two months trial of Gloww Capsules, I can say that I am pretty impressed how my skin stayed just as fair despite the tours that involved a whole lot of sun exposure. Now, just to give you ladies an idea how hot it was in Cambodia. Imagine, the Manila heat, then add half of all the scorching heat to that. I would have stayed in the hotel, if it were up to me. But my very active hubby who loves the outdoors won’t allow me to throw away our once in lifetime vacation just like that. It was actually our first one full week getaway ever! 🙂

Aside from sunblock, the whole time we were in Vietnam and Cambodia, there was no other skin care product I used but Gloww Capsules.  I did not bother pack my usual night cream. My toiletries bag was just way too full already and besides, I thought my skin can make use of the needed break too.  🙂

When I go back to how impressive Gloww actually fared on me, I just go right to reading what its package says. The 11 essential nutrients have done their job. Gloww Capsules help nourish skin’s CLBT. CLBT stands for Color, Luminosity, Brightness and Transparency. It is one of the ways healthy glowing skin is measured. Its unique SKHN (Skin, Health and Nutrient) Complex strengthens collagen, detoxifies your skin, enhances blood circulation, protects it from harmful UV rays and free radicals. This should be why my sun spots are actually not that obvious as it was. Yes, considering all the sun bathing we have done in Phnom Penh.

And as what I mentioned in my pre-trial post, Gloww being BFAD approved did it for me. That and its all natural ingredients. Suffice it to say, this Gloww Capsule skin regimen has won me over and I am sure to keep at it even after this two month trial. 🙂


  1. anne says:

    Hi! I started taking this last May 10. Hope this works for me too. Your skin looks great by the way 🙂

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