December Saladbox

Like probably every other Saladbox subscriber, I got all giddy when I received my December Saladbox. I was not the least disappointed as I love everything that was in it.
December 2012 Saladbox

From the bunch, I am most excited about the Sophia Eyelash Enhancer by Virginia Olsen. There was Carmex Moisturizing Lip Balm, Musk by Alyssa Ashley tester, a couple of  2g containers of Virginia Olsen mineral makeup and a P300 Urbanears coupon.

Sophia Eyelash Enhancer

Truth is, I will have to watch it as I put this Sophia Eyelash Enhancer by Virginia Olsen to the test.  The first eyelash enhancer I tried, Enormous Lash sent me to the eye doctor after a few weeks of using it. I blogged about it here. But this might just be the one eyelash enhancer that will work for me, I will give it a try. Let me just say, I am happy that this one is included in the December Saladbox. Because frankly, after shelling out four grand for Enormous Lash and finding out it was not for me, I don’t think I will be willing to experiment with a similar product, especially something as pricey. But if this Sophia Eyelash Enhancer works for me, I will gladly purchase. I will surely keep you girls posted. 🙂


Carmex Moisturizing Lip Balm

My first Carmex lip balm was from my November Saladbox. I kid you not, it was love at first glide! Totally took care of my cracked lips! I love the minty feel too. Thank you, Saladbox for this. A lip balm that works, a girl should always have a supply of.


Musk by Alyssa Ashley

Virginia Olsen BlushVirginia Olsen Minerals Romance Blush

Virginia Olsen Tea Tree Primer

Virginia Olsen Green Tea Primer Light

I have only tried these Virginia Olsen Minerals once and I was too in a hurry to observe how they fared. But I did notice that the blush has better pigmentation than the last mineral blush I used. I will intentional review them both the next time I use them and will make sure to keep you girls posted! 🙂

With all these top notch beauty products being delivered to its subscribers, I can see how Saladbox can be an easy favorite of beauty box subscribers! 🙂


  1. […] latest mineral makeup I have tried were that of Virginia Olsen Minerals from my December Saladbox. Yes, I love the blush’s pigmentation. But I have yet to try their other products. A few […]

  2. […] makeup. Definitely free of paraben, bismuth and talc. My first taste of Virginia Olsen was from my December Saladbox. I admit, was not too keen on testing the Sophia Eyelash Enhancer by Virginia Olsen. After having […]

  3. […] when Saladbox sent over its December bunch, I wasn’t too thrilled to try Sophia Eyelash Enhancer all too soon. Probably because of the […]

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