Physiogel Extraordinary Moisture for Extraordinary Women

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As we increase the awareness of the disease, I was encouraged a great deal with the recent event I attended where Physiogel took in three extraordinary women to be brand ambassadresses of the brand.

Michee Cadhit, Patty Balquiedra, Alya Honasan


Michee Cadhit, Patty Balquiedra, Alya Honasan

Aside from the obvious reasons why we need to campaign the awareness of Breast Cancer – its early detection and for women with the disease to muster up the courage towards the necessary steps for cure, getting a hold of the women who “have been there” and are “currently there,” will get the concerned women to listen up and be empowered.

physiogel breast cancer awareness

And what does Physiogel has to do with Breast Cancer, you ask? Apparently, Dermatologists and Oncologists have been recommending patients to use the brand for their patients’ skin to keep moisturized. There are a handful of frustrating side effects that come with chemotherapy and skin dryness is just one of them.

As these three cancer fighters know, having dry skin after breast cancer radiation treatment is an inconvenient aftereffect. Patty, Alya and Michee suffer from dry, flaky, itchy and sunburn-like skin after each session.

Physiogel, however, helps them get relief from their discomfort. Alya swears by the efficiency of the product, moreso because it was endorsed by her personal surgeon. Michee, meanwhile, uses Physiogel to ease the scars and rashes caused by radiation. Last, Patty knew about the virtues of the product long before she underwent chemotherapy.

As part of its advocacy in supporting breast cancer patients, portion of the proceeds of the Physiogel sales for October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, will go to the I Can Serve Foundation.

Physiogel is the No. 1 dermatologist-prescribed moisturizer according to the Philippine Medical Data Index (PMDI MAT 2012) and is available in leading drugstores and supermarkets nationwide. It is also available in handy 10ml sachets. Ask your dermatologist and pediatrician about Physiogel.

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