Beauty Product Feature: Sutla Flawless Whitening Solution

For some reason, even if I am a reseller of Sutla and Flawless beauty products, I only feature those products that I have tried and tested myself. I have lined up a handful lot of Flawless products but I haven’t find the time to publish just yet. One of the more recent Sutla Flawless products I have tried is the Flawless Whitening Solution.

Flawless Whitening Solution

To start with, I am not dark-skinned. So before you wonder why I’d bother with Flawless Whitening Solution, there are some parts of my body that have uneven skin tone. In preparation of last month’s Davao family vacation, I just had to get this done, just in case I’d go swimming. I’m a little self-conscious about this dark spot on my right leg. So there.

Flawless Whitening Powder and Solution

A pre-mixed of Sutla Flawless Whitening powder form that helps eliminate dark spots other skin pigmentations and discolorations, pimple scars, stretch marks and rejuvenates skin. Ingredients are all safe too. Nothing to worry about cancer causing chemical agents too. I would definitely won’t even think of trying this myself if it does. 

How to Prepare:

  1. Depending how much you need for the part of your body you will apply the mixture to, mix enough of the powder form and the solution in a bowl.
  2. Stir until it forms a thin paste.
  3. Apply gently.
  4. Leave for 20 to 25 minutes.
  5. Wash with warm water
  6. Pat dry.
  7. Apply whitening lotion to reinforce the whitening process.

Flawless Whitening Solution mix

Sutla Flawless Whitening Solution Mix

Let’s just say, I didn’t expect much so I didn’t take “before” photos. But I was impressed enough about the considerable lightening of the dark spot on my first try that I made a mixture enough for my face too to get rid of a pimple mark. I was thinking of posting a photo of me with the mask on my face but it I totally looked like a ghost who just stepped out of department 56 halloween. Haha! I am, for sure, keeping a stash of Sutla Flawless for not just “emergency purposes” when some dark spot from a recent pimple sets an uneven tone. I haven’t tried this on my badges of honor, a.k.a. stretch marks, but will definitely see how it goes. Let you know then! 🙂

For orders, you can contact me via A kit of Sutla Flawless Whitening Solution only sells for P150 each. This pack goes a long way. I have my first set still half full and it has been with me for months.

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