While some may perceive women’s skin regimen to be too complex to sustain, the truth of the matter is goes right back to a routine that works for you, and have proven to be effective. To ensure a clean and smooth canvas, to keep acne at bay, Proactiv has been a partner for many.
Skin Basics
It is noteworthy to know that it starts with the basics: Making sure that you never touch any part of your face with dirty hands, for one. Another is to never sleep with your make up on. Make sure to exfoliate as well, to rid skin of dead skin cells. Proactiv Solution’s exfoliating beads does a great job in this department as it prepares our canvas for our next skin care step.
Scrub No-no!
Do you know that you should never scrub your face? As opposed to the violent friction scrubbing does to your facial skin, exfoliation is its gentle and healthier counterpart. Veer away from inflammation by treating your skin right.
No Pricking Please!
Pricking your pimples might just be the worse that you can do. It has the makings of worsening of a pimple to becoming a cystic acne. Proactiv Solution’s 3-Step System will work its wonders as you apply it on the whole face. Constant use is the key.
Proactiv Solution is available at any Watsons and SM Department Stores nationwide. The 30-Day Kit retails for P2,495 and the 60-Day Kit retails for P3,995.